Unique Color Names that Start with Letter “F”
Are you looking for a list of colors that start with the letter “F”? If so you’re in the right place as we share a variety of different colors that you’ve probably never heard of.
We have created a chart of colors that begins with the letter F. The color names are organized in alphabetical order for you to easily search for your favorites or discover new ones.
Chart of Colors that Start with F
Here is how you read this color chart. See the explanation of each column heading below:
Name: This is the name of each color. Some have unique color names that best describe them.
Color: In this column, we provide what the color looks like visually so you can compare it.
Hex: This is the Hex color code in hexadecimal values, which is often used for website design.
RGB: Displays RGB color code. It is used for digital devices like TV, Computers, Monitors, etc.
CMYK: The CMYK color code is used for print and reference for ink cartridge colors.
Name | Color | Hex | RGB | CMYK |
Facebook Blue | #3b5998 | rgb 59 89 152 | cmyk 61 41 0 40 | |
Fallow | #c19a6b | rgb 193 154 107 | cmyk 0 20 45 24 | |
Falu Red | #801818 | rgb 128 24 24 | cmyk 0 81 81 50 | |
Fandango | #b53389 | rgb 181 51 137 | cmyk 0 72 24 29 | |
Fandango Pink | #de5285 | rgb 222 82 133 | cmyk 0 63 40 13 | |
Fashion Fuchsia | #f400a1 | rgb 244 0 161 | cmyk 0 100 34 4 | |
Fawn | #e5aa70 | rgb 229 170 112 | cmyk 0 26 51 10 | |
Feldspar | #fdd5b1 | rgb 253 213 177 | cmyk 0 16 30 1 | |
Field Drab | #6c541e | rgb 108 84 30 | cmyk 0 22 72 58 | |
Fire Engine Red | #ce2029 | rgb 206 32 41 | cmyk 0 85 80 19 | |
Firebrick | #b22222 | rgb 178 34 34 | cmyk 0 81 81 30 | |
Flame | #e25822 | rgb 226 88 34 | cmyk 0 61 85 11 | |
Flamingo Pink | #fc8eac | rgb 252 142 172 | cmyk 0 44 32 1 | |
Flattery | #6b4423 | rgb 107 68 35 | cmyk 0 36 67 58 | |
Flavescent | #f7e98e | rgb 247 233 142 | cmyk 0 6 43 3 | |
Flax | #eedc82 | rgb 238 220 130 | cmyk 0 8 45 7 | |
Flirt | #a2006d | rgb 162 0 109 | cmyk 0 100 33 37 | |
Floral White | #fffaf0 | rgb 255 250 240 | cmyk 0 2 6 0 | |
Fluorescent Orange | #ffbf00 | rgb 255 191 0 | cmyk 0 25 100 0 | |
Fluorescent Pink | #ff1493 | rgb 255 20 147 | cmyk 0 92 42 0 | |
Fluorescent Yellow | #ccff00 | rgb 204 255 0 | cmyk 20 0 100 0 | |
Folly | #ff004f | rgb 255 0 79 | cmyk 0 100 69 0 | |
French Beige | #a67b5b | rgb 166 123 91 | cmyk 0 26 45 35 | |
French Blue | #0072bb | rgb 0 114 187 | cmyk 100 39 0 27 | |
French Lilac | #86608e | rgb 134 96 142 | cmyk 6 32 0 44 | |
French Raspberry | #c72c48 | rgb 199 44 72 | cmyk 0 78 64 22 | |
French Rose | #f64a8a | rgb 246 74 138 | cmyk 0 70 44 4 | |
French Sky Blue | #77b5fe | rgb 119 181 254 | cmyk 53 29 0 0 | |
French Violet | #8806ce | rgb 136 6 206 | cmyk 34 97 0 19 | |
French Wine | #ac1e44 | rgb 172 30 68 | cmyk 0 83 61 33 | |
Fresh Air | #a6e7ff | rgb 166 231 255 | cmyk 35 9 0 0 | |
Fuchsia | #ff00ff | rgb 255 0 255 | cmyk 0 100 0 0 | |
Fuchsia Pink | #ff77ff | rgb 255 119 255 | cmyk 0 53 0 0 | |
Fuchsia Rose | #c74375 | rgb 199 67 117 | cmyk 0 66 41 22 | |
Fulvous | #e48400 | rgb 228 132 0 | cmyk 0 42 100 11 |
Want More Color Charts?
We hope you enjoy this helpful color chart that lists all the colors that start with “F”. Please bookmark this and share it with others as we will update it periodically and add more colors to this list as we find them.
If you’re looking for other colors that start with a certain letter in the alphabet then use the quick links below…
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