What is the Meaning of Colors on a Mood Ring?

In this article, we’re going to talk about what is the meaning of the colors on a mood ring. Keep reading…

Back in the 1970s, mood rings became one of the hottest trends. People who remember those times will surely recall seeing these accessories everywhere.

They come in different sizes and styles, giving the wearer the ability to choose the type that suits their fashion sense and personality.

These accessories were invented in 1975 by Maris Ambats and Josh Reynolds of New York. Authentic pieces sold for high prices back then, ranging from $25 to $250.

Despite the cost, these things became instant hits!

While mood rings became mainstream back in the 70s, they are making a comeback. In the past few years, new-age groups have started a revival.

If you think that such trinkets are only worn as a fashionable accessory, think again.

True to their name, these ornaments are thought to indicate the mood of their wearers through the changing colors of their stones. Each color has a meaning, that correlates to the emotions of the person.

Curious about what every hue means? Keep on reading…

How Mood Rings Work

Before we delve into the colors’ meanings, it is important to know how these things work. These rings come in a metal setting such as silver-plated metals and gold, studded with a stone.

This stone contains thermochromic liquid crystals.

These crystals rearrange themselves according to temperature. As they change positions, they also show observable variations in color.

In fact, they can transform from black, grey, and white to a wide range of hues such as varieties of blues, reds, and yellows.

The Significance of Mood Rings

Wondering why these are believed to reflect the feelings or moods of their wearers. It is because the thermochromic crystals transform based on the temperature of the person’s body.

Changes in moods can come with variations in body temperature.

This is why we have expressions such as hating something with a “burning passion” and that your “blood runs cold” with shock.

Because of the associations between mood and temperature shifts, many have come to rely on mood rings for indications of the wearer’s emotions.

Mood rings

However, while there are reasonable relations between the two, it is important to note that other things can also affect the behavior of thermochromic crystals.

This includes external elements such as weather and room temperature.

Now that you know how these trinkets work and what their significance is, let’s look at what each hue means. Read on…

The Meaning of Mood Ring Colors

  • Black

First on this list is black, which shows that the wearer is feeling tensed or stressed. They might feel overworked, harassed, or angry. The ring turns black when the body temp goes down to 20 degrees Celsius.

  • Dark Blue

If you observe your or your friend’s ring turning dark blue at 50 degrees Celsius, this indicates an elevated mood. This is usually associated with happiness and optimism.

  • Royal Blue

When the color turns royal blue, it means that the wearer is feeling romantic or passionate. This hue comes at 40 degrees Celsius.

  • Blue

Blue has always been associated with relaxation. For mood rings that reach 30 degrees Celsius, you can expect a feeling of fun and contentment from the wearer. The person can also be in a contemplative mood.

  • Green

When you see green (24 degrees Celsius), this can mean that the person is calm and unstressed. They could also be comfortable with the environment.

  • Yellow

The person could be in a creative and imaginative state when their ring turns yellow (23 degrees Celsius). This is why this hue is also associated with being distracted and wandering minds.

  • Amber or Gold

A duller and deeper version of yellow, amber, or gold colors can indicate a combination of feelings. These include being upset, nervous, and unhappy.

  • Brown

When the ring approaches a brown color, it can indicate that the person is restless or anxious. They usually have all kinds of thoughts, which means that feelings could be muddled much like this hue.

  • Red

Red indicates an elevated heart rate, which is often attributed to high energy and extreme emotions such as passionate love or anger.

  • Orange

If yellow indicates creativity and red means high energy, orange combines the characteristics of these two colors. Orange can show a daredevil mood or enthusiasm to try exciting things. This occurs at 22 degrees Celsius.

  • Purple

Unlike orange, the combination of blue and red is indicative of clarity and balance. This reflects the resolved mindset of the wearer.

  • Pink

On the contrary, pink shows a lack of clarity. It can also mean budding interest or arousal. Some also say that this shows a level of infatuation.

  • White or grey

This means that the wearer could be frustrated, bored, or confused. Moreover, this can show stress or anxiety.

Wrapping Up

Mood rings can be a great fashion accessory and practical trinket. Now that you know the meaning behind mood ring colors, you can use yours to contemplate your true feelings allowing you to shed some light on your own inner thoughts and even see whether the changes in color are accurate.

Anthony Tran

Anthony Tran

Hi I'm Anthony Tran the founder of Marketing Access Pass and AccessWP. I have been doing Digital Marketing professionally for over 10 years. I have a background in art and design. I love learning about the latest trends in WordPress and web design. Let's connect!

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