What Are Some Things That Are Blue?
“Blue” – just hearing the word, a plethora of images already come to mind. From the soothing sight of the clear summer skies to the mystery of the deep sea, you’ll never run out of things to associate with this cool, pure hue.
In nature, art, fashion, and design, blue has always held a popular status. Soothing for some, while distant and cold for others, there’s something about the color blue that makes an impression.
In fact, we could safely say that the color carries a vast and diversified list of meanings. Depending on how it is used, the hue can suggest feelings of serenity or sadness, intensity, or aloofness.
Here, we have rounded up four of the most popular things that are blue that are sure to help you appreciate this spectacular hue even more.
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Some Things That Are Blue
The Sky
No other scene is more likely to be associated with the color blue than the vast, clear sky. After all, it is the one thing we all see regardless of where we are on the planet. Sure, while the sky changes hues depending on the time and weather, the blues that appear during the day remain the most common scene above us.
Scientifically, this appearance stems from the scattering of light from molecules. Basically, light energy travels in waves.
Since blue light waves are shorter compared to others, such as red, they are scattered most strongly by the tiny molecules of air in Earth’s atmosphere; thus, making us see the color blue in the sky.
The Sea
Of course, aside from the clear sky, the ocean also comes as one of the most popular things that are blue. In fact, for years, countless poets, singers, and painters have represented the vast seas in different shades of blue.
This association has also granted the color a sense of serenity, depth, and mystery.
Similar to the sky, there’s a scientific reason why the ocean appears blue to our eyes. Interestingly, this is mainly because water molecules only absorb red, green, orange, and yellow light waves – leaving the shorter light waves and reflecting blue wavelengths back to us.
Surely, it cannot be denied that jeans have long been an integral part of the fashion world. In fact, for centuries, these pants have been recognized as the ultimate go-to for many fashionistas. Not only are they easy to pair with, but they also suggest comfort and convenience. To date, although black denim is also on the rise, blue jeans remain the superior choice.
Historically, the blue color came from a natural indigo dye that attaches to the fiber’s surface when heated. As a result, with each wash, some of the fibers and dye molecules escape, resulting in the iconic faded look.
Regal Blue Tang
Remember Dory from the popular Disney film Finding Dory? In the physical world, Dory falls under the species called Regal Blue Tangs. As their name suggests, these fish have bright blue colors that make them a spectacle to see. Similar to how Dory has been presented in the Disney film, these fish have oval bodies and yellow, flag-shaped tails.
While Regal Blue Tangs are not always blue, it is still the most common color for these fish. Specifically, adults have royal blue bodies, while juveniles are bright yellow, with blue spots near their eyes.
To date, Regal Blue Tangs are considered one of the most popular marine aquarium fish in the world, as triggered by the 2003 movie Finding Nemo and the 2016 sequel Finding Dory.
They are native to the Indo-Pacific and are usually found living in pairs across reefs of the Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and more.
Can’t get enough of the color blue? Calm, soothing, cool, and mysterious, the color blue has found its way into almost everything we see. From the gentle blue skies, and vast roaring seas, to many more, a lengthy list of blue-colored things awaits your appreciation.
What other things that are blue do you have in mind?
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