Scarlet Color Meaning: What is the Meaning of the Color Scarlet?

Scarlet is a deep crimson with a faint orange undertone to it. It is halfway between red and orange on the standard color wheel and is only a tad less orange than vermilion.

Its name comes from the Middle English “scarlet,” which is derived from the Latin “scarlet” and Persian “saqerlât,” which came “scarlet.”

During the Middle Ages, scarlet was also the name for a sort of brilliant red fabric.

Scarlet color cloth example - Scarlet Color Meaning

Using scarlet as a color name goes back to 1250 when it was first used in the English language. Generally speaking, scarlet is a wonderful shade of red with a tinge of orange.

Let’s find out more about this color here.

About the Color Scarlet

Scarlet color meaning

Scarlet has always held associations with power, money, and elegance. The first documented use of scarlet dyes was in the 8th century BC when Persian and Assyrian authors called them Armenian Red.

From Persia, the hue then traveled to Rome. It was second only to the Emperors’ purple in terms of aristocratic status throughout the Roman Empire.

Those of high status in ancient Rome gained the moniker coccinati, or “people of red,” because they wore crimson cloaks called paludamentum.

Additionally, both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible make several mentions of the color scarlet. It is customary for cardinals in the Catholic Church to wear scarlet as a symbol for the blood of Jesus Christ and Christian martyrs.

priests wearing scarlet color example - scarlet color meaning

Due to its religious connotations, scarlet is often connected with acts of self-sacrifice. Scarlet, like many other brilliant red colors, holds connections with courage, passion, fire, and joy.

Scarlet’s hexadecimal color code is #FF2400. Hex #FF2400 contains 100% red, 14.1% green, and 0% blue in an RGB color space.

Hex #FF2400 comprises 0% cyan, 86% magenta, 100% yellow, and 0% black in a CMYK color space. Scarlet has an 8.5-degree hue angle, 100% saturation, and 50% brightness.

You can create a warm and earthy color scheme by combining scarlet with basil and chocolate brown. Combine red with bright yellow and orange tones for a more daring, bold, and vibrant palette.

To create an elegant color scheme, use red in conjunction with beige and sand.

Scarlet Color Meaning

Scarlet color meaning

As a hue, scarlet conveys a range of strong emotions, such as boldness, passion, power, ecstasy, and fury. In the past, it was a symbol of wealth and privilege and held associations with the higher echelons of society.

Prostitution and adultery are also symbols of lust and vice associated with it. A brilliant red-orange hue, scarlet has a positive connotation because of its resemblance to human blood.

People who adore the color scarlet are upbeat, confident, and full of optimism. For them, standing up for what they believe in is a matter of course. There is no way to intimidate them, and they may be rather competitive.

People who have a fiery personalities tend to take things personally and seldom give up their positions. They have a hard time apologizing and admitting their mistakes.

People look up to them because they are natural leaders and role models. These people can identify the most significant aspects of both their personal and professional lives.

Their peers respect them because they know how to draw the line.

red fun sunglasses color example - scarlet color meaning

Research shows that scarlet is a terrific way to show off your sexuality, passion, and lust for life, but for others, it may be a little over the top.

As a result, it might look sleazy and overbearing. Choosing scarlet as the color of your company’s logo is a risky move.

Those firms who are currently profitable or confident in their company plans are the only ones that should use this hue.

Scarlet is also a symbol of inspiration, and while it may spur customers to action, it cannot promise a favorable outcome. It’s preferable to use it sparingly, as a symbol of your company’s enthusiasm and drive.


Adding a dash of scarlet to any garment is an excellent way to add a burst of color. This color will create eye-catching graphics for your company or organization.

But remember the psychology and meaning behind the color to ensure you create the right impression.

Anthony Tran

Anthony Tran

Hi I'm Anthony Tran the founder of Marketing Access Pass and AccessWP. I have been doing Digital Marketing professionally for over 10 years. I have a background in art and design. I love learning about the latest trends in WordPress and web design. Let's connect!

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