What Are Some Things That Are Orange?

Are you curious about what are some things that are orange? Stick around as we share a list of common things that we think of.

In love with the burning hue of the sun as it melts in the east? Captivated by the bright, almost golden fur of a wild tiger? If so, there’s a high probability that your favorite color is orange.

Demonstrating warmth and enthusiasm, this bright color has long been part of our day-to-day lives.

From being the “groovy color” back in the 70s to being a dramatic illustration of autumn, the color orange has assumed a number of roles throughout history. Dubbed as the pigment that symbolizes happiness and stimulation, it’s not surprising that many are head over heels for this fascinating hue.

To help you appreciate this color even more. we have prepared a brief list of the things that are orange that you see in your everyday life.

Check them out!

List of Things that Are Orange

Things that are Orange

  • The sunset

Perhaps we could all agree that there are few things in life as beautiful and captivating as the sun as it slowly sinks into the east. From the golden explosion that paints the sky to the shimmering fire that is reflected in the waves, sunsets are just plain mesmerizing.

Orange Sunset

Scientifically, the orange hue we see during sundown is caused by a phenomenon called scattering. During this process, light is refracted by particles in the atmosphere.

Since blue and violet are the shortest in wavelengths, they are scattered away from your eyes, leaving the longer light waves visible. This is the reason why sunsets change from yellow to orange, to red just before the sun finally dives into the waiting horizon.

  • Fire

Of course, aside from sunsets, the color orange is also often associated with fire. Sure, while there are blue flames, which indicate higher temperatures, orange fires are more commonly seen – suggesting everything from wild bonfire nights with friends to the gentle crackling of logs by the fireplace.

Normally, according to experts, this orange color we see in flames can be attributed to the different substances present in the burning material as well as the temperature at which it is burning.

Specifically, in most wood, the presence of sodium is responsible for the orange hue we know and love. On the other hand, if the material contains carbon and hydrogen, the flame will come out as blue, while those with lithium usually create red flames.

  • Pumpkins

Orange is the color of Halloween, of that we can surely agree. Thanks to pumpkins, this bright and enigmatic color have emerged as a symbol for fright nights and trick-or-treats.

Pumpkins are Orange Color

As you may already know, pumpkins don’t start out orange; rather, they begin green and later change to orange for the same reasons the leaves turn golden during autumn.

Scientifically, this change in color is due to the presence of a pigment called “carotenoids” in pumpkins. During their early stage of growth, these plants are colored green due to the presence of chlorophyll, a green photosynthetic pigment that is needed for plant photosynthesis.

However, as pumpkins ripen, the plants produce less and less chlorophyll, making way for the orange-colored carotenoid pigment to emerge.

  • Orange

You guessed it. No other thing is more often linked to the color orange other than the fruit of the same name. In contrast to the general view, it is not the fruit that is named after the color but the other way around.

Interestingly, its history goes far back to the 1300s and is believed to have come from the Old French word orange, extracted from the Arabic nāranj, from the Persian nārang, and from the Sanskrit nāranga, meaning “orange tree.”

In the 16th century, the word orange developed as a term used not only to refer to the fruit but as the name of the color we now know today.


Did you have fun going through our list of things that are orange? Fun, enthusiastic, warm, and encouraging, it cannot be denied that orange is one of the most fascinating hues in the color spectrum.

Visible in the natural world and enjoying a popular position in fashion and art, this warm color that sits between red and yellow carries a load of meanings and symbolism, as developed by its rich and interesting history.

What other things do you think should be added to this list?

Anthony Tran

Anthony Tran

Hi I'm Anthony Tran the founder of Marketing Access Pass and AccessWP. I have been doing Digital Marketing professionally for over 10 years. I have a background in art and design. I love learning about the latest trends in WordPress and web design. Let's connect!

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