Maroon vs Burgundy: Difference Between Maroon and Burgundy

Are you curious about what is the difference between maroon and burgundy? We will share the answer in this article.

Almost all colors on the spectrum have warm and cool undertones, including the fiery red we all know and love. Indicative of passion, energy, courage, and bravery, there’s a reason red is used not just in marketing and advertising, but in industries across nearly every sector today.

Unbeknownst to many, red actually holds numerous permutations, including maroon and burgundy. To an untrained eye, these hues seem similar to one another.

As a matter of fact, people tend to confuse these hues and even revert to using these names and tones interchangeably. However, to a more discerning individual, these two hues couldn’t be more different from one another.

Though both hues look similar, there are varying layers of differences between them. In this article, we’ll talk about these differences and how you can further distinguish the two from each other.

Read on to find out more…

maroon vs burgundy

What Is Maroon?

The name maroon was actually patterned from the French word ‘marron,’ meaning chestnut. Maroon was coined after the nut in the English language in 1789 because it bares similarities and characteristics that are unique to chestnuts, such as its deep brown and reddish hue.

MAroon Cloth

Maroon is considered a darker shade of red. However, apart from its base color, maroon is also made with hints of brown.

Its unique deep hue is representative of a lot of things, particularly intense feelings and emotions, passion, power, love, and ambition.

Often considered a fall color, this hue can be seen throughout the season, together with browns and oranges, to create feelings of warmth and coziness.

To make the color maroon, you need red, alongside the two other primary colors, yellow and blue. Mix five parts blue with one part red to create a base color.

Then, add a dash of yellow to make brown. You may add more hues accordingly to achieve the perfect shade of maroon.

What Is Burgundy?

True wine connoisseurs will certainly know that burgundy’s history is deeply rooted in wine. Coming from the east-central region of Burgundy, the town has been touted as a pioneer in making wine thanks to the rich agricultural region.

Extensive vineyards throughout the area helped give birth to wine-making traditions that have been passed down through generations, most of which have been patronized by royalty and have been entrusted to those working in monasteries.

Burgundy Roses

The town of Burgundy has always been known for its world-class Pinot Noir. Because of the wine’s deep, dark, reddish, and purplish hue, the color burgundy has become synonymous with the town and its wines.

Whereas maroon is the product of red and brown, burgundy is actually a mixture of red and violet or purple. This combination creates a burgundy brighter appearance.

Burgundy represents power, wealth, and royalty, commanding more elegance and sophistication than true red.

To make burgundy, you need red, blue, green, and brown. To achieve the unique purplish tone burgundy is known for, combine red with equal parts green and blue.

In the event you don’t have green on hand, you can easily add blue and yellow to create green. The addition of blue and green to red helps create a dark brown and purple undertone.

To further intensify the purplish tint, feel free to add more blue to the mix. You may also experiment with adding hints of brown if you wish.

Maroon and Burgundy in Design and Pop Culture

There are many universities, schools, and even government agencies that utilize maroon and burgundy. One place that has incorporated maroon into its system is Queensland, the second-largest state in Australia.

Queensland officially announced its state color on November 13, 2003. Today, most individuals sport this color, together with gold, in support of the state’s rugby league, the Brisbane Broncos.

Many universities also bear these school colors including Texas State University and the University of the Philippines (UP). UP uses the Fighting Maroons as their moniker.

One of the most popular uses and shows of the color burgundy in pop culture today is Will Ferrell’s impeccable portrayal of Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.

In the 2004 film as well as the subsequent films, Ferrell was dressed in his namesake color as his signature style.

The Bottom Line

Now that you know how to properly differentiate between maroon and burgundy, you can take advantage of what each color has to offer. With this, you can use and explore the full potential of these colors as you see fit.

Anthony Tran

Anthony Tran

Hi I'm Anthony Tran the founder of Marketing Access Pass and AccessWP. I have been doing Digital Marketing professionally for over 10 years. I have a background in art and design. I love learning about the latest trends in WordPress and web design. Let's connect!

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