Hospitality Academy Website Project

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“Hospitality Academy” is a podcast about the hospitality business and helping professionals in that industry take their career to the next level.  Susan Pannozzo wanted a new website design because she felt her old website was not optimized for conversions and ease of use for her audience.  She approached Marketing Access Pass because of their experience as podcasters and designers to help her with the new site.


We built Susan's website as a new WordPress installation because she needed her current site to be live as she was still publishing episodes on a regular basis.  We exported all of her original content and imported into the new design.  We gave her a new modern look with a full-width background and made it mobile responsive.  The new website was integrated with the Smart Track Player.  After the design was completed we migrated the new site to her hosting provider and properly synced up her domain names with the website.  The website now showcases her podcast, resources, and upcoming membership area.

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 "Working with Marketing Access Pass was a refreshingly professional experience from beginning to end.  Anthony patiently guided me through the process to ensure my site was optimized for traffic and sales, while Linh applied her talent for design to make the site beautiful and in keeping with my Brand." - Susan Pannozzo