Crimson Color Meaning: What is the Meaning of the Color Crimson?

Are you curious about the meaning of the color crimson? Stick around as we share the answer to your question…

If you’re a fan of the color red, there’s a high chance that you’ll also be captivated by its popular variant, crimson.

Often associated with the color of fresh blood or the melodramatic view of a ripened sunset, crimson has long been present in nature and even in ourselves.

Given its enthralling depth and vividness, it comes as no surprise that the color has invaded not just the arts, but fashion and design landscapes as well.

If you’re currently looking for fresh new colors to try for your daily getup or simply looking for additional hue options for your next art project, crimson might be a great choice at the moment.

After all, the color carries with it a diverse set of meanings that are sure to add interesting value to your style and artwork.

Interested to know more about crimson? Read on…

Crimson Sunset

What Is Crimson

To start, it’s important to understand what exactly this color we are dealing with is. As mentioned earlier, crimson comes as another variant of the color red.

What makes it distinguishable from the latter is that crimson appears deeper and more vivid, and it inclines toward the color purple.

Seeing it, you are likely to observe how the hue resembles the color of blood, cherries, and even rubies.

History of Crimson

Interestingly, the introduction of the word crimson can be traced back as far as 1400 when it was made from the dried bodies of female kermes, a type of scale insect that feeds on the sap of evergreen oaks.

However, years later, as Spanish explorers made contact with the Aztec Indians, they discovered a hue derived from a tiny Mexican insect called cochineal.

From there, the harvesting of kermes was replaced by the harvesting of cochineal, which offers stronger color intensity than the former.

However, while the color crimson has long been present, its rise to popularity began in the Elizabethan Era. During that time, the color of one’s clothes helped label their status.

Specifically, the colors gold, silver, crimson, scarlet, deep indigo blue, and purple were only worn by the highest nobility in the land, as dictated by the Sumptuary laws of the country.

Because of this, the color crimson soon emerged as a symbol of nobility and luxury. In addition to that, since the church also stood as one of the primary authorities of the era, esteemed church figures were often seen wearing crimson robes.

From there, the color also becomes a symbol of divinity, mystery, and power.

Meaning of Crimson

Ever since the role it played in the Elizabethan era, the color crimson and the meaning it carries have undergone tremendously different changes.

Sure, while the color remains widely considered a strong religious symbol, it has, nonetheless, managed to embrace fresh new meanings as societies and cultures have changed.

To date, since crimson comes as a deeper and more vibrant version of red, it is often regarded as a symbol of vigor, passion, and courage.

Since it also resembles the color of blood, it has also been taken as a representation of anger, revenge, ruthlessness, and even lust.

At certain points in history, crimson has also been named a symbol of mourning, as heightened by the depth and mystery the color suggests.

What Colors Make Crimson

Since crimson resembles a reddish-purple, recreating it only requires simple color-mixing strategies. Specifically, you only need to mix pure red paint with some purple. However, depending on your desired result, the ratio of each paint color may vary.

If you want to attain a darker crimson, increasing the amount of red and purple might do the job.

However, if you want to attain a more vibrant hue, adding a small amount of white paint to the mixture might be the best alternative.

Crimson in Arts and Design

If you’re eyeing to incorporate crimson in your art and designs, it’s best to know what other hues are best paired with it.

Generally, since crimson has been widely used as a symbol of luxury and sophistication, pairing it with colors such as bronze, maroon, or green will help you achieve an elegant and vintage look.

On the other hand, if you want to achieve a modern appeal, using neutral colors such as beige or sand-dollar might do the trick.

The Bottom Line

Strong, vivid, and powerful – that’s what crimson is. For years, the color has managed to carry tons of spectacular meanings that cut across statuses, emotions, and mysteries.

Whether you’re simply looking for ways to add more depth to your fashion or want to add more color options to your art, turning to crimson is sure to help you achieve whatever style and vibe you’re aiming for.

Now that you know what the meaning of crimson is you can use it in many aspects of your life.

Experiment with crimson today!

Anthony Tran

Anthony Tran

Hi I'm Anthony Tran the founder of Marketing Access Pass and AccessWP. I have been doing Digital Marketing professionally for over 10 years. I have a background in art and design. I love learning about the latest trends in WordPress and web design. Let's connect!

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